A neuro-symbolic ARC parser
This previous post introduces why I think the abstraction and reasoning corpus (ARC) from this paper is a worthy challenge to pursue for robust ML research. As a quick explainer, the ARC dataset is composed of tasks like this one:
An ARC Task. The top row are the starting prompts, the bottom row are the correct answers.
There are more (and less) general solutions to this task (e.g recolor to the same color as the border). This task also shows some the priors that are assumed: the concept of an object, the idea of a relationship between objects and the idea of containment
Two different approaches
Direct programme synthesis
The first approach that comes to mind for ARC is program synthesis. F.Chollet directly suggests this route. Specficially, building a model $f_{\theta}(X, Y) = p$ that attends over each task’s support set of input images $x_i \in X$ and label images $y_i \in Y$, and produces a program $p$, such that $p(X)=Y$. This would likely imply a search step, to select/rank programs produced by $f_{\theta}$.
The design of ARC makes a direct brute force implmentation difficult for a number of reasons, among them:
- Large number of diverse tasks (400)
- Differeing priors required for difering tasks
- Very small support for each task (1-10) samples
- Compositional tasks: the output of one step is the basis for the next
…to be continued