This is not the full video

This is not the full video

TL;DR: video recording devices or apps that follow ‘a standard’, sign each frame of a video being recorded with the last frame’s signature. Video hosting platforms or news outlets can compute if they have the last frame (and wether the video has been tampered) - and surface this information to users using merkle trees

A half baked idea

As an increasing amount of user generated video on platforms like Youtube, Twitter and Facebook cover current events - and become part of the ‘news’ - a significant (though certainly not new) problem arises for the viewer: can I trust this content?

Trust is built by consistency and transparency over time. A simpler question to ask of a piece of content is: Is this video edited in a tendencious way? Simpler still: is this the whole video?

Recently, before going to sleep, I was thinking about how a tiny minority of content on platforms can be leveraged to influence large groups. This is not new: content crafted for influence. The speed of delivery is new though - predicated on platforms that depend on user generated content. Edited videos are, I think, the most convincing: they show partial truths. I was wondering if there was a simple way to validate to me as the user, that I’m looking at the full video.

So, this is a half baked idea to attempt to solve the problem (with some glaring problems) - and hopefully learn a little. Note: this is a means to learn - I’m not a video encoding, security or cryptography expert.


Smartphone apps or cameras implement a standard that appends to each each frame the final frame’s signature. From this last signature, it should be possible to:

  1. See if the current frame is the last frame - you have seen the full video
  2. Validate that the frames, in order, lead to the last frame - there are no frames removed or added

A way to accomplish this could be to use Merkle trees, or a chain of signatures. Specifically video recording devices or apps that follow the standard would:

  • In sequential order, sign every frame, where the signature is the current frame’s hash and the previous frame’s signature. A similar approach is proposed in this ,paper to sign video streams.

    Each frame in a video is hashed, and a signature is created from the previous signature and the current frame. Signature B ($B), is created by hashing the current frame and signing the previous signature and the current frame

    • In practice (and when not streaming) both steps can happen once recording stops

      In practice (not streaming), a Merkle tree can do the heavy lifting. Even in the streaming context, a window + buffer can be used.

  • Once the recording stops (when the stop button is pressed), the video is ‘re-coded’ to include the last frame’s signature in all frames.

Platforms that receive videos that follow this standard can:

  • Prove you have seen the last frame of the video or not - and display this information to end users
  • Prove the video has not been edited to have omissions, additions or replacements
  • This poses interesting questions:
    • How should this information be shown?
    • Does this change user interaction when the video is being uploaded? (a leak to an attacker)
    • Should this information influence how videos are ranked?

Critical issues / attacks:

  • Given a video that implements the standard (has the final frame signature embedded), remove the signature, edit and upload.

    This is essentially an ecosystem attack - you can still go to websites without using SSL - but as a whole the ecosystem (and its tools) has shifted to make it clear, it’s probably not safe.

    This is a significant challenge, mitigated primarily by adoption incentives.

  • Given a video that implements the standard, remove the signature, edit video and resign the video to append a new final frame signature that matches the edit.

    This is a problem similar to the Certificate Authority problem, though with some additional complications.

    In the naive case - we assume an attacker cannot steal the signing certificate embedded in apps and devices. In this case we can validate the video has been signed with a valid certificate.

    The non-naive case seems super complicated: if an attacker can steal a valid signing certificate, then it seems to me the degree of validation possible is proportional to the constraints added. This is seriously bugging me, so I think it’ll imply another full post in the future, and some more research into cryptography and perhaps the old days of DRM for inspiration.

In a future post I’ll show a simple code example and attempt to tackle / reason through questions about applicability.

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